Friday, October 2, 2009

Group Critique

It appears that my lonesome journey to personally explore the idea, concept, is shared by others too.  I am not alone as I once thought I was.  One of the questions that arose in our discussion with Alyssa and Jackie directly pertained to the implications that concepts have in the overall design of a space.  One may come up with a concept that acts as a vehicle for making decisions but does it sum up the project as a whole.  Is it holistically inclusive or does it just indicate the interior or aesthetic design decisions.  Or is it a macro concept that does not relate on a micro level, or vice versus.  Does this mean that there must be a macro and micro concept?  From here Alyssa explained how they were exploring the space and how they were beginning to understand the direction their designs were headed in.  This was illustrated through some sketch up models, which as of now are featuring curved walls as a major design element.   From here they spoke of the five senses and how they really wanted to use this as their guiding light.  So my suggestion would be to find a way to relate the senses to the user of the space CBI and to the Client Duke.  Personally I like to write a lot, and I like to write down everything I know about the client and what they need and want.  Next to that I like to enumerate the words that sum up these needs and desires in order of importance.  These words can be conceptual or literal.  It is from here that I am able to relate my concept directly to the needs and desires of the client.  That was everything that is designed can directly be traced back the concept thus giving the design a cohesive foundation by which to stand the test of critiques at the end of the project.  Overall I think they are in a very good place and are on the brink of tying together their concept and design.